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Personal Philosophy of Health Science

I am a realist. I believe in solving things in a practical manner. I also realize when I need to make improvements in my life in which I make plans to conquer my problems and situations. I see things the way they are and not how I would like them to be. I know that things do not always go as planned and must deal with whatever is going on in a practical manner.

What is most important in my life, is definitely family and maintaining my bond with them. I believe that having a tight bond with those who are around me most, my family, and feeling the support around me, makes me the person I am. It makes me want to keep going everyday and work harder and harder to achieve my goals. Being that I have a very supportive family, I have less personal problems meaning I am able to work without anything affecting my thoughts and actions.

The purpose of life is compete with one another in doing good. Live a life of purpose and don't let someone walk away from you without anything. Share with them, whether it be knowledge, food, water, advice, emotions, hugs, anything it may be.

To be healthy, is to be well physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The purpose of health education is to help people gain their control over, and to improve, their health.

My philosophy of health education is to influence individuals in engaging in and choosing healthy behaviors. The World Health Organization, also known as WHO, defines health education as “any combination of learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities improve their health, by increasing their knowledge or influencing their attitudes.” The responsibility of a health educator is to promote public health to improve the health of individuals, families, communities, states, and the nation. We have achieved health promotion when the quality of life has been enhanced for all people.

The purpose of health education is to positively influence the health behavior of individuals and communities.

A person is health educated when he or she shows that they are knowledgeable in what healthy behaviors are and look like, and educating those around them.

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